The fourth and final course of Jack Bazaar 2016 has arrived! After 9 months of study and practice, participants know the sticking and movements... it's time to prepare for performance! The course begins with arrangement and ensemble rehearsal with extensive individual feedback in preparation for the ATUS/LATI 2016 Recital at Armstrong Theater (Dec 3). The middle portion of the course draws on the performance experience to guide additional refinement and take steps toward students' own teaching of the piece.
- Prereq.: Jack Bazaar sticking and movement (Maracas, Murder, Slowplosion A/B, Runaway, Hedgetrimmer, Cats and Dogs)
- Repetition: high
- Physical exertion: high (physical warmup, full-body choreography)
- Goal(s): performance of Jack Bazaar at 2016 recital, post-recital feedback, and preparation for teaching
Register here by selecting the appropriate course and payment plan (installments vs discounted full amount).