Odaiko Bachi, Shime Bachi
Shime Fundamentals
Bounce vs Stop/Upstroke Drill
・R hand lead
・L hand lead
・Both Together
Alternating Drill
・R hand constant (R - R - R - R - | R L R L R L R L)
・L hand constant (L - L - L - L - | L R L R L R L R)
・R lead alternating (R - L - R - L - | R L R L R L R L)
・L lead alternating (L - R - L - R - | L R L R L R L R)
Using arms with striking, focus on grip/strike
Odaiko Fundamentals
1-minute Drills
- Wrists (Quiet)
- Wrists (Loud)
- Elbows
- Arms (Simultaneous)
Think "Wheel of Fortune"
How to incorporate body/arm with awkward tempo transitions:
- Between "Elbows and Wrists (Loud)" tempo
- Between "Wrists (Loud) and Wrists (Quiet)" tempo
Entire Oroshi: Individual Strikes -> Wrists (Quiet) and fading out
Oroshi Showcase: Patsy, Jennie, Sonoma
Clean Up