Chudaiko Bachi
2-minute using The Pulse - incorporate the tsu vs don soungs
Elbow Strike
2-minute Elbow Drill - doko vs tsuku
Whole Arm Strike - Simultaneous
2-minute Whole Arm Simultaneous
Whole Arm Strike - Individual
32 Individual Strikes using Rotational Body work
16 Jan using the Wave
32 Individual Strikes using the Wave
4-8-16-32 - dorotsuku
Repeat 4 times
Pineapple Drill
Review Vers 1 and 3
Learn Version 2
Crescendoing - Vers 1/1/2/3
Rei Excerpt II
Build up of the 3rd Movement
(see attached PDF)
Create your Build Up
Talk about:
-how pleasing it is from the audience perspective to hear the same rhythm being played
-or how it's nice to see the final reveal of the rhythm being built up
Using the Rei Excerpt II as an example create your own rhythm using the 1 e a u Drill
(see attached PDF)
1 - soft
2 - louder accents
3 - let go of some grace notes
4 - let go of all grace notes to play 100% (change sticking as needed)
Pair up and check on each other - comments and suggestions welcome
->play back to back with ji