nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, maple or magnolia wood)
socks for spinning
Chop and Arrange
(1) Split a bar into half (ex: Bar 3)
TIP: Kuchishouga the whole bar as your count the beats with your fingers. (1)Thumb to index (2)Thumb to middle (3)Thumb to ring (4)Thumb to pinkie. A bar should be 2 rounds of fingers counting therefore, half the bar would be 1 round of finger counting.
-- Play the first half (A) in a loop until you're comfortable
-- Play the second half (B) in a loop until you're comfortable
-- Rearrange the patterns to challenge your memory and come up with creative transitions
Bar 3
(2) Splitting a bar into quarters (ex: Bar 10)
-- Same as how you previously split a bar in half, split a bar into quarters. (phrase one is "A", phrase two is "B", phrase three is "C", phrase four is "D")
-- Rearrange the patterns
Call & Answer w/Music
-- Pick a bar and split it into quarters. Have music playing in the background that has the beat/tempo you want to follow.
-- The leader "calls" and plays A (phrase one). The rest "answers" and repeats A. (4x)
-- That leader builds on the phrase and plays AB (phrase one and two). The rest repeats. (4x)
-- The leader keeps building onto the phrase until they reach ABCD.
Pick bar you want to breakdown and do a Call & Answer w/Music.
Try picking a bar you're not too confident in.
If it helps, use the finger-pinch counting method to break it down.
Practice at home.