Introduce guest soloists, Patrick (Jishin) et al., Dan (TP, Prota)
Review kakeai
-call out random fwy, answer with kakeai and start playing ji
Review ji structures for all fwy patterns
5 Fwy:
-practiced half-tempo switch w/ soloist switches
-practice counting 32Ms
10 Fwy:
-soloist cue only once
-clap through shobu
101 Fwy:
-practiced running glitch ji
-practiced 1st 4M glitch while following soloist (line 1&2 x2)
-reviewed cue out w/ glitch pattern (line 1 x2)
110 Fwy:
-reviewed ji. Switched around positions (okedo, shime, kane)
-soloists switch right away
405 Fwy:
-practiced interactive Ms while following soloist (follow "solid" for single hits until daga da ga, then follow soloist)
-practiced diff. cues outs (1st cue is switch on first daga da ga, 2nd & 3rd cue is switch on second daga da ga)
-drilled following solid to soloist & slowing down with soloist