tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- open and close today!
today's goals: grip and stance fundamentals, oroshi details, tekke basics
grip and medium strike review: copycat
- facing front: close to mirror
- others call, I give feedback looking over shoulder
- facing each side: lighted bachi
stance review
- individual feedback: post-it tabs on floor, camera
- shoulder-drum angle: tape on mirror?
large strike review
- all energy down, whip of bachi
- taking turns, first four hits of oroshi, individual feedback with others watching
oroshi review
- C-Fong oroshi change idea
-- cut out on touchdown
- following downstroke of first few hits
- following upstroke from there
- oroshi with different leaders, hakobiya
tekke basics: copycat
- tekke and triplets
ender: starting tekke at oroshi final don