tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
16s Drill:
-Practiced one full run-through of the 16s Drill.
Koneri Swap (can't remember the official name for this one):
-Practiced and improved our first Koneri Swap
-Established a practice structure for following the whole Oroshi part and
allowing for smooth switches between Komelleros.
-Started to get a feel for focusing on both Oroshi leader and Komellero for
timing of Oroshi.
-Established Oroshi would end with Komellero/a's knee touching the ground.
Koneri Groove:
-Set a practice structure for practicing the groove; every other player
plays the koneri beat then in the next run it switches.
16s and Swap both took about 10 minutes each, so 20 minutes for all
person's present then (crud, I left my attendance sheet at home).
20 min. for Oroshi
40/45 min. for Koneri Groove (we used individual time for additional group
practice); Kaitlyn also left about 10 min. in, and Andrew about 5 min.