tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Notes from Carol
1. Kaeshi section - Toshi
This section was deferred because Toshi thought it would be better to learn when we are actually making the mochi. So, we will go over this part next week during our mochitsuki!
2. Ipponzuki - Andrew lead
Ipponzuku drill - M1-M4 with and without downbeat strikes.
3. Bozuki Tate - Charles was unable to make it. We read his notes and took the time to get comfortable with the "Erai" switch. For consistency, we decided that our top hand placement should be about 1 inch to 1 1/2 inches under the top of the bougine.
4. Bozuki Naname - Jessica lead
We all practiced the drumming in this section first. Then we practiced the ripple drill.
5. Bozuki Mawari - Sharon
We spent our time on the step out and turn to switch hands.
We spent about 20 min on each section.
For next week's mochitsuki:
Andrew will buy (turn in receipt to Toshi). and clean rice (thank you!!!). Jessica is the reminder. Kaitlyn will remind Jess to the remind Andrew
**Toshi has asked us to come to practice around 5:00-5:15 next week to help prepare for our mochitsuki**
Welcome - Carol lead
- take attendance
- help keep roughly to schedule
Kaeshi Training - Toshi lead
Ipponzuki Drill - Andrew lead
- M1, M3, M2, M4 no downbeat
- high-speed
Bozuki Tate section review - Charles lead
- basic form: vertical stance, bou allowed to arc back slightly
- "Erai" switch
-- new version: hand off with low hand, bou cross above, receive with free hand low (just above the other person's low hand)
Bozuki Naname section review - Jessica lead
- "together", two options
-- static stance
-- shifting stance
- "Ripple" drill
Bozuki Mawari experimentation - Sharon lead
- inside foot steps during "strike", turn away to switch hands with two steps
-- simple option: take break for kaeshi, need kaeshi request phrase
-- more complicated option: game or dance for bou holders while they wait for kaeshi?
clean, final announcements, close
- ipponzuki form: lighted bachi experiment
Path to Bonenkai
- Mochitsuki 1 structure
- Mochitsuki 2 structure
- details practice (taiko, ipponzuki, bozuki, etc)
- audience participation structure
- additional instruments experimentation
Performance rough structure
kine structure
- (prep)
- oroshi (as hakobiya enters)
- jyunbi
- koneri
- ipponzuki
- dekiagari
- (mochikiri)
- (cleanup)
bozuki structure
- oroshi (as hakobiya enters)
- jyunbi
- tate
- roll
- naname
- mochi age
- mawari
- oshiage
audience participation structure