tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- first outside-ATUS performance wrapup
-- (raise hands) "Through the event, I..."
--- "improved my connection to Japanese roots and culture"
--- "created positive experience for / inspired others"
--- "was part of and performed as a team"
--- "made new friends"
--- "improved my understanding of mochitsuki"
--- "improved my taiko abilities"
--- "had fun"
-- what did I do that led to these successes? What could I have done to make the experience even better?
-- logistical changes for Bonenkai
--- gig timeline proposal
---- T-[180+travel] wash utensils, pack drums (75)
---- T-[105+travel] depart ATUS (safe travel time plus 15 extra)
---- T-90 load-in begins (20)
---- T-70 setup begins (45) [water on to boil first]
---- T-25 steaming rice begins (25)
---- T-0 Mochitsuki begins
audience participation brainstorming: individual leaders will think through (KB on pounding)
Komellero and Mochillero sections: stop when container touches usu
Transitions Drill