nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Roll exercise (focusing on certain techniques each time)
- Bottom fulcrum
- Top fulcrum
- Isolate wrist motion
- Play as group and individually
- Notes from individual section:
-- Maintain sound quality & even strikes throughout entire oroshi
-- Maintain strong kata (mainly, don't lean over when speeding up during the roll)
-- If slowing down, challenge yourself to practice ending as slowly as you start
-- If the "feel" of the oroshi (pacing, etc.) is getting comfortable, start focusing back to basic strike technique
Oroshi Sequence
Play Oroshi sequence from Class 04
- For DoRo oroshi part, make sure LH accent is stronger than the RH accent so both hits can be heard
- Practice counting hits aloud to make sure we're at the same spot in the music
Orientation ABCD
Review all patterns
A - O---|----|O---|----|O---|----|O---|----
B - --o-|--o-|--o-|--0-|O---|O-O-|0-o-|o-o-
C - ooo-|--oo|o---|--oo|o---|oo..|..oo|....
D - ----|O-oo|-o-o|-o-o|o-oo|-o-o|o-o-|ooo-
Breakdown patterns and practice for sticking/accuracy
Indiv. practice
Practice ABCD patterns