nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
concert discussion
- my thoughts
- individual experiences
-- one like, one wish, (one surprise?)
- appreciating successes while learning from failures
- ideas for next time
-- next year's Jack Bazaar at Recital
-- did I plan the year prep correctly?
remaining topics
- individual remaining things to work on
-- this term
-- long term
- copyleft
-- philosophy
-- requirements
-- fostering a sharing/collaborating culture
- how to teach
today's focus: individual feedback
- Maracas: L grip during "gi", angled path of pull back
- Murder: increase speed of skin hits
- Slowplosion line 2: L grip, "ga" at 2pm
- Runaway L: no "gi", gadadaGA!
- Tassajara R: hop, use step to hit, torso rotation
- Retreat: connect retreat to next move
- Hedgetrimmer: shoulder lunge, "gang" as separate
- Taunt: distance from drum
- Cats and Dogs: torso rotation, weight shift