Request from Sasen:
1. Yodan solo feedback (10m)
2. Omiyage form: 2-3 things to work on (10m)
3. Fue kuchishoga: I don't get it (5m)
4. Yatai brain rearrangement (30m)
Yodan Solo
Wonderful new ideas!
Personally I think it's ready to be "set" and should be practiced as is until the body can execute the modules and the transitions between each on slow and fast tempos
Fue Kuchi Shoga
"ヒャイ" - "Hyai"
the "イ" - always goes up one note
Omiyage A
-Left always follow right
-raise the left arm higher in preparation for it's twirl
-no need to weight shift as much - more like a release when prepping for the first strike
Yatai brain rearrangement
-determine all the missing rest counts that come at the end of the phrases so the entrance of the next phrase is more accurate