what is sugagaki
hitting inbetweens
why: hard, but rewarding
- potential for never-before-heard taiko
- pure test of listening faculties
- life-changing experience
this workshop's skill focus: controlling the challenge
- sticking: "e" "u" w alternating hands (vs serial sticking)
- challenge of gently increasing tempo
starting point videos
- KB / YK go last
- give max tempos
tempo control
- PLAY - YK+all down, KB on metronome (60-144); gently increasing tempo
partner practice 6min
- first set: getting oriented, finding ideal tempo
- second set: different partners, different tendencies
- comfort / growth / panic zones
- third set: how to handle the beginning of the panic zone
-- "easing in" KB / YK demo
- fourth set: how to increase the challenge from the edge of the comfort zone
-- changing tone
-- changing dynamics
-- dropping hits
-- hard starts
additional tips, Q&A
- breakpoint (upstroke issue)
- why do we go too fast?
-- worry of wasting parter's time
-- impatience/fear - be the puppy trainer
- imagining/hearing the goal
experience working with YK