tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- part check-in
-- AB - kick (chu)
-- BH - kick (bass)
-- BO - hi-hat
-- DH - Kinyouji
-- EL - Mubouji
-- KB - hi-hat
-- SI - kick (o-oke)
-- SN - Kinyouji
homework explanation
- hi-hat
-- 8th-note challenge (too simple for BO)
--- 1 e a u*2 e a u
--- 1 e a u 2*e a u
--- 1 e a u 2 e*a u
--- 1 e a u 2 e a*u
-- future
--- 1*e*a u 2 e a u
-- next time w BO
--- try part on hi-hat
--- create simplified parts for others
--- incorporate hi-hat pedal (others loop, BO experiment)
- Kinyouji
-- SN: RLRL R R R R R R R R R R R (rest)
- Muboji
-- gradually speeding up, all/EL
-- EL: pa te ten mu (for picking up bachi)
details practice
- bass / kick
-- technique check
-- determine different required spots within metronome
-- align each to metronome with feedback
--- pulse e
--- pulse e a
--- a mu (3)
- Kinyouji
-- tech 1: 16th notes
--- w/ metronome
--- changing tempo
--- Disappearing Click
- Mubouji
-- technique 2
--- w/ downbeat (in actual bar relationship)
--- upbeat metronome (in actual bar relationship)
--- more frequent
-- technique 3
arrange the parts
- adding new element at each soloist change?
-- A A A B
-- C C C D
-- A B
-- C D
-- A B
-- C D
-- A? hi-hat only? 2/4 only?
figure out "power" section
- each member uses their instrument "taiko-taiko" power option
-- part of arrangement?
--- section?
--- at end of a build?
-- soloists cue?
soloists take turns
- 4, 4, 2, 2, 2, 2
- 1, 1, 1/2, 1/2, 1 both
final announcements
Listen through the original O.G. track and indicate on the handout when your assigned instrument is playing or silent. Make additional notes for interesting variations. New ideas welcome too!