tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- video camera help: Doreen
- CT, JO 405 run
- SN, MH: drill maintainers
[10] welcome
- names, 3 normal, 1 weird
- my role
-- facilitator, not teacher
-- honest feedback, though tainted by familiarity
-- for soloists: set mutually-agreed goals and hold you to them
--- uniformity vs individuality
--- no spoken criticism; only demonstrated alternatives
-- for Rock Solids: gatekeeper
- NATC way-point
-- individuals pick Rock Solids / Soloist focus
-- 5 weeks structure overview
-- 4 weeks draft solo prep / specific structure prep (cover all structures)
-- 5 weeks revision, details practice
-- who's going? KB YuK JO WD BO JH SI
- choose foci
-- Rock Solids: YuK BH CT SN JH JY AB BO EL
-- soloists: YoK JO DH MY SI KS TA HO
-- WD: ?
- drum setup large studio: 1/8? naname, 1/? small drum for RS
- drum setup small studio: 1 naname, small drum for all remaining RS
[10] warmup: naname / small drum
- M1-4 / jiuchi
- R arm swings / fills
[10] Structure of the day: 405
- goals: tempo control, variety
- tricky spots: M1 interactive, cue kill it, overall speed
- possible drills, Soloists
-- "M1 Interactive": Mike
--- M1-4, cue switch, kill-it
-- "Kill It"
-- "Speed Cue"
- possible drills, Rock Solids
-- "M1 Interactive"
-- "Kill It": Stacey
--- M4 x2, cue x2, rotate
-- "Speed Jiuchi"
- demo: S-KB/JO, R-CT?
[40] split practice
- [20a] RS get started with "Kill It"
-- use of three practice structures
- [20a] soloists: KB feedback
-- tickets/docket explanation
--- mutually-agreed improvement
-- give punchlist
-- "M1 Interactive" explanation
- [20b] RS: KB drill feedback
- [20b] soloists: "M1 Interactive"
[15] battle
- can try for stamp, 10?
[5] final announcements
- bio bullet points for RT, TA, WD
- photos: JS
- next week help
-- structure of the day demo: 110
--- Rock Solids
--- soloists
M1-4 punchlist: individual feedback on starting point videos
- JY: more exciting prep for final don, switch final don awful
- KB: right leg?
- BO: angle of R strike plane too vertical, stoppiness of pull ups, switch final down weak
- YuK: ?
- YoK: ?, tension at completion of R strike
- CT: wrist tension reduces speed in R strike
- MH: R elbow pointed back, strike plane too vertical, L ka of Otsuri, arms too close to body following strike
- RT: R elbow pointed back, stoppiness of pull ups, wrist tension reduces speed in R strike
- DH: strike plane too vertical, hips over-turn, cue needs practice
- HO: strikes too slow, too early, wrist tension, stoppiness of pull ups during cue
- BH: R elbow prep, in M-patterns timing of final don rushed, L during cue is weak and rushed, final don of cue is weak and rushed
- JH: strike plane too vertical, downstroke starts too soon, R pull-up could be more extended
- SI: switch final da really rushed, chi is awkward, downstrokes rushed, cue forgotten, L weak
- SN: strike plane too vertical, wrist tension, L can't pull back very far because torso doesn't rotate, rushing
- EL: strike plane too vertical, strikes too slow, cue forgotten
- TA: strike plane too vertical, L can't pull back very far because torso doesn't rotate, M patterns unfamiliar, L wrist angle,
- KS: strike plane too vertical, stoppiness of pull ups, R pull up could be more extended