tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Today's goals
- small drum starting point vid
- first split practice
[10] warmup: small-drum copycat, 2-count length
[one row of 11 drums in a tight line to allow multi-drum on neighbor's, use "rotate" cue]
[watch for particularly strong and weak players for order of upcoming video]
- serial sticking: Yuta
- loud v soft: Eric
- sparse hits (within "1 e a u 2 e a u"): Blaine
- multi-drum: Young
[20] small drum starting point video
- explain the starting point video
-- "ten tsuku tsu ken" jiuchi (from the 5 structure) at max confident speed
-- Yuta will play cue on nagado twice, slowing down second time, jiuchi player tries to follow
- give 60 seconds of "ignoring others" practice for individuals to determine their speed
[pull one shime forward, set one nagado on naname, set camera]
- start recording, pick the stronger players first, and have each member play the jiuchi 5-10 seconds before joining them with the cue
[10] structure of the day: The 5
- talk through the structure looking at the score
- demonstrate the structure (Yuta v Janelle, Andrew shime, Stacey cymbal)
- mention that we'll need a few volunteers at end of class
[40] split practice: cue focus
Yuta leads Soloists cue practice
[set nagado to naname]
- cue 16x all together
- explain sticking options
--- standard: RLRL R L x3, R RLR L
--- R-focus otsuri: RLRL R L x3, R RLR R
--- hardcore serial sticking: RLRL R R x3, R RLR R
- cue 16x all together (or 8x2x if not every member has a drum)
- provide individual feedback where necessary
- cue 4x4x, each set a little faster
- demonstrate the slow down "kill it"
- cue and kill it 4x4x, each set the slow down gets more dramatic
- cue-> half time practice
Andrew and Stacey lead Rock Solids cue practice
[one nagado on naname, remaining members on shime, okedo]
- demonstrate cue and kill it on nagado (Andrew), with shime following (Stacey, 5 jiuchi)
- nagado guides everyone through cue and kill it 4x
- notate the jiuchi and the cue on the board to show the relationship between the parts and reveal the "lonely L" of the nagado cue pattern
- play cue and jiuchi together very slowly for 60 seconds to hear the relationship
- explain importance of watching the soloists' right hand
- nagado guides everyone through cue and kill it 4x
- game: one member plays cue on nagado without announcing the tempo first, others on jiuchi have to catch the tempo (by listening closely to the "lonely L" and watching that R hand)
- nagado guides everyone through cue and kill it 4x, gradually making the slowdown more dramatic
- pick others to play nagado cue 4x if time remains
[10] individual kill it and half time switch practice
-Establish tempo, cue->kill
-Establish tempo, cue->half time switch
[10] 5 battle
[in small room to simplify equipment?]
- soloists can ONLY use M1-4, dynamics appreciated
- pick 2 volunteers, run the structure
- discuss how it went, answer questions
- pick 2 more volunteers if time allows
[3] clean, final announcements, close