tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Improving Improvement discussion
- check M7 chart
-- assign Dina and Takuya
-- all sections have "M"
-- you have both "M" and "m"
- hand out Major Requirements postcards
Set parts for Kumamoto gig
- would using Major/Minor parts help?
transitions drill with Kumamoto performers
simplified Naname section
- give out postcards with detailed event timeline
-- what does good naname mean?
-- what does good nagado mean?
- each person lists their responsibilities
apron discussion
- brainstorming session
- questions for lulls
-- will this work for all your tools?
-- is this the right "formality" level?
-- if we didn't wear the same color, what element could we use to connect us?
- taikocensus.org
- Eien online and then July 17-29
- David Wells