nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- top to bottom stretches
- discussion topic: new years' resolutions?
today's goal: large strike
stance review
- tape
8x2 drill
- once together
- once all students for feedback
- one student alone
next level: correct counting
- counting every right (pulse)
- every other right (pulse, &)
- next: every fourth right (1 e & u)
grip L2
- bounce image
- individual feedback
alternating hits slowly
how to listen - training the ears for sensitivity in tone
- all-one practice
-- evenness of R and L
-- location on drum
playing together: being sensitive to timing
- single hits with count-in (ichi, ni, so-re!)
- falling (with gravity) as base strike
- leading well with ever-so-subtle delay
large strike, elbow bend
- what to feel
-- reach upward
-- patience
--- at end: don't move, listen until sound is gone
--- at beginning: breath out on way up, breath in at top, then go