nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Introduction / Ice Breaker
Drill: Right Hand keeps downbeat (1, 2, 3...etc)
Each 8-count x 2, add left hand (1, L, 2, 3..... 1, L, 2, L, 3...etc)
Objective: Practice counting and knowing when it's a new bar
Note: Keeping sound quality and striking motion as consistent as possible, even when adding left (the "and") hits
Slow tempo, medium tempo, fast tempo
Same drill with Left Hand as downbeat
Metronome Drill
Drill: Four strikes against each metronome beat
Objective: Building endurance and practicing 1eau muscle memory and sound quality
Note: Two right hand strikes for each -> incorporate warm-up drill if lost to slowly incorporate left strikes
Slow tempo, medium tempo, fast tempo, fluctuating tempo
Kuyou Oroshi
1st Oroshi Notes
- Kiai or express first strikes with body motion -> difficult concept, but keeping that thought in mind while practicing helps during actual performance
- Decrescendos too quickly
2nd Oroshi Notes
- As the volume picks up towards the end, be careful not to slow down
3rd Oroshi Notes
- Count differently than other two Oroshis (1eau vs 1&)
- Great listening skills -> adjusting to volume of group when lost
- The last (1eau2ea) ends with right hand, into KoDon