Moveable Clothing
Socks or white Tabi
-History of shishimai (Roku-jyouma = 270cm x 360cm = 106 inches x 141 inches = 9 feet x 12 feet)
-What this course will cover
-What Yuta can do and relationship with Suzuki-sensei (coming August)
-Shishi head purchase (to be discussed at end of 12-week course?)
Shishi Gashira
Basics - how to hold, angle, body posture
狂い (kurui) - Yatai
-entrance after Uchikomi
-Yamagoshi, "chon chon chon paku!"
餌拾い (ehiroi) - Hayakamakura
-Right side, "pakupaku"
-Left side, "pakupaku"
-"chon chon chon paku!"
-Back up, sit down
-Up, Down, Up, Stomp, on your back, legs spread out
-Turn Head
-Sweep around
-Lick, Bite
-Slow Stretch
-Chon, chon chon stomp, shake
-Triangle butt bite
-legs 45 degree, lt, rt, center, chon chon chon poku
-stand up Mie
-Walk around, stop at the back center, look down at mikan
じゃれ (jyare) - Shichome
-jump and go down towards mikan
-shake to left, shake to right, wag tail, back to center
-slide right foot forward, sit down, raise cloth and right leg forward
-switch, switch, look, stomp, shake, bight!
-pick up mikan, show, eat and chew
-find balls and attach to foot
-sit down lion head up, shake
Sleep - Komoriuta
-figure 8 and down on feet
-breathe x 2
-fall to right, fall to left, spread legs, lion head to center
-yawn up, close mouth, drop ears, figure 8 back to feet