nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Trading 4s -- Kuchishoga only!
- Goal is to sing confidently and clearly
- Another taiko player should be able (somewhat) easily to repeat what you say
Trading 4s -- Melodic Kushishoga
- Add melody/pitch to kuchishoga
- Goal isn't to create a song that "makes sense," but to realize that there are other dimensions of sound we can use as players
Trading 4s -- Say & Play
- While singing melodically, play the pattern at the same time!
Open solos
- David comes up with a ji
- Focus more on listening and finding space
- When you do choose to play, try to play in a way that matches the music of the ji
David talks for kind of a long time about his philosophy on improvisation...hopefully in a useful way ^^b
Yodan/Timing Drills
Swing vs. Triplets timing
- Explanation of concept
- Play slow swing
- Kiai on "middle beat"
- Add playing on "middle beat"
- Play slow swing vs. slow triplet
- Accenting aiuchi on swing
- Accenting aiuchi on triplets
- Play aiuchi without accents, but feeling triplet accents
Quick review of all sections
- Try to play parts that you don't usually play