Chudaiko Bachi
Hachijo Daiko Fundamentals
Hachijo Island, History
Setup, Grip, Stance
Soloist = "Uwauchi" and Ji Keeper = "Shitauchi"
Right and Left strikes
- Wide stance/Horizontal strikes
- Narrow stance/Vertical strikes
Three types of Shitauchi
- Yuukichi
- Shabataki
- Honbataki
Hachijo Practice Patterns ("HPP")
Line 1: R - L -|L R - -|R L - L|R - - -
Line 2: ● ● - ●|● - ● -|● - - ●|● - - - (free form)
Line 3: R L - -|L R - -|R L - -|L R - -
Line 4: R L R L|R L R L|R L R L|R L R L (crescendo)
Line 5: R - L -|L - R -|R - L -|L - R -
Ending Phrase: R - L - | L - R - | - L - - | R - - -
HPP (x2) with Ending
Speed Up Template
● x x ●|● - • •|● x x ●|● - • • x2
● x x ●|● x x ●|● x x ●|● - • •
(Repeat above sequence twice)
● x x ●|● x x ●|● x x ●|● x x ●
● x x x|x x x x|x x x x|x x x x
How to Start Hachijo Solo
Uwauchi plays ji first, then Shitauchi joins
- Yuukichi and Shabataki: Shitauchi join after hearing ji 4 times
- Honbataki: Shitauchi join after hearing ji 2 times
Uwauchi Practice Structure
- Start Ji (Honbataki x4)
- HPP (x2)
- Speed-Up Template
- HPP (x2) with Ending