nagado bachi - Maple
shime bachi - Magnolia (hou)
Lesson 10:
- Set up classroom according to the stageplot and use the grid, walk through the transition from MOVE!
- introduce Lee to the group, explain their job
- cold run of the piece
- individual groups work on their own section
- run-through with cue-to-cue along with Lee
- work on details
- base beat quality for the 2nd and 3rd groups
- implosion/explosion (donki)
- body percussion intro (4 measures of Prima, 4 measures of cruzao, then walk to drums once Pujao began)
Change in beginning Cue to Cue:
- all quitiplas performers (except Evelyn on MC) help setting up
- everyone make sure all drums are in place
- make sure your bachi are set
- go to places (body percussion/downstage left)
- once arrive in the DSL area, start stepping to the beat (small, quiet, subtle, relax)
- Evelyn joins the group
- Rassi gives first note
- Rassi joins the group
- light change
- fuera!
Dec 1 Run-through
Body Percussion Intro from Nov 24