nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
-- [circle to start]
-- arm circles
-- side-to-side slides
-- [every other per. face opposite]
-- twist claps
-- [spread out]
-- whole body circles
-- jumping jacks, crazy jacks, crazy spinning jacks
-- front and side kicks
--- find range
--- 10 warmup
--- 10 countdown (future: multi-language countdown; each person saying one count, any language)
[set drums, bachi]
joy session: rhythm challenges, tone, and playing simultaneously
- copycat
- follow the leader
-- tonal exploration on quiet
-- oroshi
- take stance and play copycat
-- 4 counts prep
-- 4 counts call
-- 4 counts answer
-- 4 counts rest
- feedback
- opposite side?
Building Blocks of strike
- stabbing (gu, back, gu, palm, switch)
- copycat
-- three arm pivots (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist, Elbow) with bachi
--- Ls RS
--- Ls RE
--- Ls RW
--- Le RS
--- Le RE
--- Le RW
--- Lw RS
--- Lw RE
--- Lw RW
medium strike (all E)
- whole 16's Drill
large strike
- L, R with feedback
M patterns
- review 1, 2, 3, and 4
- different orders
- future
-- Plus 1!
-- extended
-- ender
- M1 M1 M1x
- M2 M2 M2x
- M3 M3 M3x
- M4 M4 M4x