nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
M1-4 Review
Play together 4 times in a row
80BPM, 100BPM
M Exploration Drill
Drums facing the center of room, metronome at 80BPM or 100BPM
-> Masa plays M1-4, Evelyn plays M1-4, Charles plays M1-4
-> Masa plays 4 M solo patterns while Ev & Ch comes in for otsuri, Evelyn solos, Charles solos -> REPEAT
Purpose: other two people always come in for otsuri at 3 + 4 +
Fun interactive way of exploring other matsuri patterns
Kiai Exploration Drill
Explored different Kiais
-> We already know one... Ichi, Ni, Sore!
-> Su, Sa, Sore, Yo, Hai, HEEEEEEY
Empathy ~Intro~
Great improvements from last week! Tempo consistent!
Empathy ~Interaction~
Explored the "feel" of coming back in for ji -> Trial and error...different tempos, not looking at mirror
Empathy ~Solos & Ending~
Without papers! Looking great :)
Empathy ~Full Song~
Without papers! Reviewing errors each runthru
Will practice looking away from mirror next week