Tuesday, May 12, 2015 - 20:00 to 21:45
Large Classroom
Student should bring:
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Class syllabus:
basic L-p arm swing copycat
"grace" review and feedback
- extension, no elbow bend
- bachi as part of arm
"relevant" movement review and feedback
- relevance in today's L-p arm swing
-- strike initiates movement (natural movement dynamics)
-- movement leads to perfect apex position
independence review
-- R on straight path
-- R elbow bend
"application" review
- each member comes up with their own L-p arm swing for copycat
intro to L-q arm swings
- angle at R strike (timing)
- how to change directions
-- reverse at proper angle
-- use "gon" as opportunity to rebound in other direction
- doukake ("gi")
Kris Bergstrom
Russel Nishida
Lori Nishida
Airi Takashima
Yuu Ohno
Jomya Lei
Raymond Jimenez
Ritsuko Gandy