Tuesday, May 19, 2015 - 20:00 to 21:45
Large Classroom
Student should bring:
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Class syllabus:
basic R-q arm swing copycat
"grace" review and feedback
- extension, no elbow bend; remember hard moment
- bachi as part of arm; remember hard moment
"relevant" movement review and feedback
- relevance in today's R-q arm swing
-- movement leads to perfect apex position
-- "da" as instigator
-- R on circular path
-- L dodging
3 options to start R-q
- "su"
- "do"
- "da"
"application" review
- each member comes up with their own R-q arm swing phrase
- ignoring others / shared jiuchi / taking turns
- individual feedback
- repeat practice
practice Deciphering Movement challenge
- determine sticking, rhythm hit by hit
Kris Bergstrom
Airi Takashima
Ritsuko Gandy
Yuu Ohno
Jomya Lei