Selections from Kris' newest work for naname, taught in call-and-answer format.
What to bring
- maple / ho bachi (or oak if it's all you've got)
- *takebachi
- socks for possible spinning
- earplugs
* The piece uses takebachi (the long, thin bamboo bachi). Students may be able to order extra-long, custom takebachi for this piece in the coming months, but for now, any of the current takebachi sizes at Asano would be great.
Commitment level
Most of the classes will be drop-in friendly, so participants at any experience level can come to any class and try that day's phrase(s). Players motivated to join me in the Recital performance in December, however, will be expected to practice on their own between classes to keep from forgetting what we've done. To facilitate this practice, backing tracks and/or videos will be provided to allow students to just "hit play" and then practice the phrase along to prompts. Room-rental get-togethers in small groups and private lessons are also available.