Yodan-Uchi is a style created by the original Sukeroku Taiko members - Motoe Onozato, Seido Kobayashi, Yoshihisa Ishikura, and Yutaka Ishizuka
This dynamic style incorporates taiko on a naname-stand and a hachijo-stand and allows for full body taiko movement and choreography.
This 12-week course will focus on learning the simplified version of UnitOne's Yodan-Uchi Arrangement.
Price and Purchase
$264 for all 12 weeks
$96 installment every 4 weeks
Purchase Online - make sure to click on appropriate class title
Outline of 12-Week Course
- Body - A/8/C/B
- Body - Tosha I, II, Turns/Move
- Body Refinement
- Solo Cue/Switching - Ending 3/3/4
- Orbits, Tornado
- Review (Body->Tornado)
- Solo Practice
- Coaching Session 1
- Coaching Session 2
- Coaching Session 3
- Coaching Session 4
- PEAC Week