Concurrent Online Course:
Please contact Masa for the online course syllabus!
Proposed Outline of 12-Week Course
Part 1 ~Vocabulary/Movement/Dexterity~
1. R/L Hand Varieties + Stop & Go Drill
2. Dokoko Drill
3. Over/Under Drill (Single) & "Ending Phrase" Creation + SOLO DAY
Part 2 ~Timing/Dynamics~
4. Internalizing Pulse + Over/Under Drill (Double)
5. Internalizing Pulse + Ka/Fuchi Exploration
6. Internalizing Pulse + "Speed-Up" Creation
7. Dynamics Drill + SOLO DAY (+ Discuss Recital/Concert participation!)
Part 3 ~Story Telling/Writing Your Solo~
8. Favorite Song/Story Day + SOLO
9. Pick your Solo Theme Day + "Rhythm" Creation
10. Write Your Solo: Establish Ji and Speed-Up Sequence + SOLO
11. Write Your Solo: Faster Section and Ending Phrase + SOLO
12. Run Throughs!