tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Vocal warm-ups
- Gig request from Diane
-- Sunday January 29, 2017
-- Faith UMC
-- 2115 W 182nd St, Torrance, CA 90504
-- Noonish (10-3?),1 Usu, $400.00 budget
-- The group decided to revisit availability on a later date. Perhaps the deadline to decide will be when Kris returns on 10/25, that way, we can let the church know shortly afterwards.
- Duties
-- Are still unclear of who is doing what. Discussed adding each individual’s current title to the contact list.
- Mochi Mochi Primer October 25th
-- Sharon will put together a flyer to post and for us to all to share on FB, Taiko Community, via our personal email, hang up at LATI etc.
- Birthday Fund
-- Diane & I talked about creating a birthday fund. Each member could contribute a dollar amount, which will go towards cake/card for the birthday person(s). We can figure out how much we would need for each person to contribute and revisit in the future.
Practice – Lead by Kaitlyn
I personally am still unable to relate beat to section(s). My goal tonight was to try to review and write down the naname section from start to transition so that I can review, practice and remember for the next class, & performance without relying on other members. It appears that there are other members that are also having trouble with this.
Kaitlyn directed the taiko group, while Andrew directed the bou group & Diana took video, which we will to match together for review.
Each bou person took turns leading & changing tempo
Each taiko player took turns starting and ending the phrases
Naname, from beginning to transition into Iponsuki.
Naname: Swing beat
Do..Ko Do..Ko Do..Ko Do..Ko…..
Saigo no naname: triplet
Ka tsu tsu Ka 8x
Don tsu tsu 4x
Crescendo 1e& 2e& 3e& 4e&
Transition: dark matsuri base
- Finished with Kaitlyn leading us in the 1e&a drill
- Dues of $55 are due today, 9/27. We are treating as a 12-week course.
- Andrew will be leading class next week.