tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Diane leads
Mochi Mochi Practice Summary Oct. 18th, 2016
Get Prepped for Primer next week, Oct. 25.
--Warm up with Koneri drill section
--Run thru mochi routine, until saigo no naname
Lead drummer to watch Hiro (komellero) for first step, begin oroshi
Especially focus on switching drummers to koneri pounders
--newly added: to signal drummers to switch in for koneri—
after the 4th 1 e & a, play on drums the following;
da ku tsuku (2x)
da ku da ku da ku da ku
then continue 1 e & a
this is to signal drummers to switch in for koneri
each person to carry in own mallet for koneri switch
(no audience participation in this section)
Toshi (kaeshi) to ask if ready for Naname section (yes or no)
--Onto Naname section
Establish who is doing Mo(chi) section while on bou so there is no confusion
During this section there will be audience participation
Have at least one mochi member pounding while others are audience participants
Mochi member to explain to audience participant: BOGSTAMP
BOGSTAMP stands for keep BOu away from touching the ground, show how to Grip the bou, show the proper STance for pounding, Aim for the middle of rice and do not hit the edge of the usu, what to do during Mizu, and when confident, pound with Power.
Once all mochi members have returned to pounding, resume routine into saigo no naname
Ending with the lift of the mochi
Andrew as kaeshi
Drum leader playing Matsuri Ji
Pounders on deck
Rotating mochi members for pounding as well as audience participants
Kaeshi to signal last pounder
Toshi is last pounder, while he pounds, during second Matsuri, drummers kiai signaling the ending into oroshi
Hiro as mochiellero receives the mochi, yells Dekiagari
Drummers repeat and yell Dekiagari, lift bachis and bow
Rice Washer: Carol Reminderers: Kris/Hiro Hiro to check condiment inventory
Early set up at 4:30pm Steam Rice at 5:45pm Primer starts at 6:15pm
Sharon printed out Primer flyers to distribute