tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
---- reg. practice ----
prep: zabuton, on board, potential new topics
Ippon Circuit drill
- feedback for pounder and drummer separately
- pounding + M1-4 at med tempo
- pounding + M1-4 at fast tempo
- "valley" (slow down for first two M patters and speed back up for next two)
- "glitchy" (pounder makes following tricky)
- future: add metronome for pounder?
- Grand Annex discussion
-- new experiments
--- collab
--- mushi nuno toss
--- on-stage marumochi
--- dance (TMMMMMBO)
--- Susie organizer / mop
--- equip list / labels
-- personal experience
-- other details: $400, video
-- "vision" of Mochi Mochi: mochitsuki as vehicle for music and fun
- new approach to new members: come anytime? (with potential member handbook)
-- show us that you can come regularly (6+ practices?)
-- show us that you enjoy being a part of MM
-- show us that you contribute
-- we'll meet and decide
- Jack Bazaar class check-in
next steps discussion
- approach: 3 things per practice
-- one mochi fundamental
-- one taiko fundamental
-- one new thing
- KB + other member work together (em syllabus, get feedback)
ipponzuki with single drummer
- party next week?
---- info session (canceled) ----
- basic sticking
- no downbeat
- following ipponzuki
explanation of Mochi Mochi
- long-term goal
- member responsibilities
what we're looking for
- something! some contribution to group
next week
- teach ipponzuki
- do Condensed Runthrough
- discuss membership
Condensed Runthrough with new member(s) on ipponzuki drums