tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- personal updates
- coaching period feedback
revisit goals
- stance
-- confidence, balance
-- proper shoulder height
-- "mesen"
- medium strike grip
-- relaxed
-- proper wrist angle
-- bachi bounce
- understand the beauty of the large strike
-- simplicity
-- relaxation
-- acceleration
- small strike
-- even timing
-- equal heights of bachi
-- single hitting spot
-- no bachi clicking
- kuchishoga: "do, go, tsu, ku, da, ga, su, n"
- be able to play confident oroshi as group
warmup: 4-8-16-32
Call and response
- "Say, repeat, play" C&R
-- Focused practice on difficult rhythms
-- Play with straight and swing ji
-- Play two-beat (1eau2eau) and four-beat (1eau...4eau) versions
- Regular C&R
Each student leads oroshi
- photo shoot
- revisit goals
- next steps
- dinner at Musha?