nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- names
- reiterate course goals
-- be able to play confident oroshi as group
--- three types of strike
--- timing
--- taiko essentials
---- kuchishoga, terminology ("nagado" "beta"), history
---- joy of getting better and being able to play taiko together
dogo warmup
- 4 counts, Kris / all counting (80bpm)
- dogo "2" "3" "4"
- dogo dogo "3" "4"
- dogo dogo dogo "4"
- dogo dogo dogo dogo
- counts only
- "1" dogo "3" "4"
- "1" "2" dogo "4"
- "1" "2" "3" dogo
- counts only
- "1" dogo "3" dogo
- dogo "2" dogo "4"
- counts only
- dogo "2" dogo dogo
- dogo dogo "3" dogo
- "1" dogo dogo dogo
grip review and individual feedback
- bachi flop experiments w/ partner if necessary
2 min individual practice (ignoring others)
- gripping with middle finger
- bending from elbow
large strike
- let the bachi do what it wants to do
- power of gravity
- feedback
- ignoring others practice: controlled fall, joy of a good hit
first hits of oroshi
16s Drill as ender
About taiko:, especially the "History" and "North America" sections.
About Asano:
About Kris: