nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
first three hits as individuals (to emphasize confidence)
- being committed
- first upstroke: breath
- first wait: resonance
first three as leader (confidence first, togetherness second)
playing fast(er)
- importance of control, relaxation
- individual feedback
-- one hand at a time
counting the big 8's
- call and answer getting faster
oroshi 1 - 3x8 extremely slow start, dying out
oroshi 2 - 3x8 faster start, faster decay, build to sudden cut-out
oroshi 3 - 14x8 linear speed up, tonal change, plus shortened 15th (7 count)
full oroshi structure
speeding up drill
- two numbers: sets of 8, + extra pairs (counting rights)
slowing down drill
- two numbers: sets of 8, + extra pairs but ending on final count (no "&" w the left)
Place a mousepad, phonebook, or similarly resileant object on the bathroom counter with your bachi. Practice the small, controlled strikes and counting each time you enter the bathroom.