nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
warmup: don call and answer
- mimicry, things to watch for: elbow, snap, ending position
- 3x: straight-on, left-facing, right-facing
-- R R R R
-- L L L L
-- R R L L
-- L L R R
-- R L R L
-- L R L R
dogo call and answer
- Kris/all counting (counting confidently!)
- student/all 4x taking turns
combining "don" and "dogo"
- same structure as above
tsuku intro
bounce on "de"
what is "control"
- even spacing
- even dynamics
- even tone
counting fast tsuku
- align dogo R hits with metronome at 120
- speed up met to 200
- replace met with instructor bachi clicks and change tempo
- practice counting quickly with numbered sets of dogo, i.e. "5 dogo"
- try as group then quiz individuals
following the right hand
- how to speed up smoothly and confidently
-- feedback for individuals
- how to slow down smoothly and confidently
- 2x8 speeding up, 2x8 slowing down
-- follow instructor
-- each student tries leading