nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- "name one activity or practice that grounds you"
- prompt for warm up
Alignment and Drumrolls
- 2 mins drumroll L.H. > R.H.
- work on finding parallel lines
-- hips
-- left and right foot in relationship to the drum stand
-- arms extensions
Yamaoroshi with Kamaite
- playing position
- pose position
- lateral movement (shifting the weight from left to right, alternating between knee flex and extend
- purpose: posture awareness and extension towards the top right side
- notice the elbow joint has to relax / let the elbow drop
Learning the patterns (see image)
- pattern 3 (su don su don su don don)
- texture: corn (slight resistant and then a lot of it - burst)
Split into 2 groups
Group 1 - Pattern 1,2,3
Group 2 - Pattern 2,3,1