tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- Line A Renshuu starting point video
- necessity of "change"
- individual feedback
-- Alex: neck tension, path of strike allows 100% energy
-- Jess: L grip more relaxed for increased bachi snap
-- Bevin: Timing of L upstroke determined by timing of hit rather than tempo
-- Jalynn: L strike weak in "doro"
-- Young: tension in arm, upper body causes shake at impact
-- Michelle: L "easing down" during 8th notes
-- Sam: L wrist tension interferes with whip of bachi
- discuss key concepts
-- teacher as "helper"
-- successful comment consists of:
--- identifying something both parties want to change
--- making success/failure clear to the player ("When am I doing it correctly?")
--- giving the resources (time, mirror space, etc) to effectively make the change
-- when to comment
--- when a player has stopped making good mistakes
-- how to comment
--- standard etiquette, but assume no shame in inability
Teaching effectively
- feedback next week
Composition / Choreography
- named phrases
- otsuri
- M patterns
- M2 and "relevance spectrum"