tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Fundamentals: big strike
- comments review (Renshuu A)
-- Alex: neck tension, path of strike allows 100% energy
-- Jess: L grip more relaxed for increased bachi snap
-- Bevin: Timing of L upstroke determined by timing of hit rather than tempo
-- Jalynn: L strike weak in "doro"
-- Young: tension in arm, upper body causes shake at impact
-- Michelle: L "easing down" during 8th notes
-- Sam: L wrist tension interferes with whip of bachi
Fundamentals: Renshuu execution
- run all of Renshuu watching for notes
- likely outcome: no major notes. need greater challenges to tease out remaining issues
-- for fundamentals: drills
-- for grace and strike: naname movement
-- for wrists and timing: small drum
Fundamentals: med strike review
- loud v soft drill
-- all, 1
- 16's Drill
-- review feedback to individuals
--- Alex: distance from drum, small strike "whip"
--- Jess: height of L bachi
--- Jalynn: L whip
--- Sam: R upper arm cramped
Critique discussion
- "One Like and One Wish" (two sentence critique of critique)
-- AD: You leave it up to us whether the change is better. More opportunities to incorporate the comment into actual repertoire.
-- BC: You make it clear when something has changed, when we're successful. Yukai doesn't have the sensitivity to always see such changes.
-- JH: You offer different ways of saying similar comments. I wish we had mirrors.
-- JZ: You give us a chance to fix the issue.
-- MK: You frame the comment positively. Yukai lacks the same authority.
-- SS: When unsure, you facilitate experimentation.
-- YK: You give comments in specific, bit-size chunks. I'd like more comments for longer drills.