tsukeshime bachi (usually smaller diameter, softer "hou" wood)
nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Loud / Soft Drill
16s Drill
- review comments
-- AD: more elbow, loud to soft transition
-- JH: more elbow, angle of soft "V"
-- BC: height of R bachi, soft strike location
-- JZ: L tsu quieter, L don louder
-- YK: loud to soft transition, location, grip
-- MK: soft strike location, higher hand/bachi angle
-- SS: last "ku" too loud, location
- otsuri as compositional element
- notation basics
- "M5", roughly notated for next week
Taiko Teaching Tips discussion
- BC: metronome when teaching jiuchi
- JH: Omoide B and Loud v Soft drill
- JZ: explicitly explain Omoide movement
- AD: switch positions for Itsuka w/ no mirrors
- MK: explain truncated movements in Itsuka 353 and 355
- SS: practice "intentional drop-outs" for Mizu waterfall
- YK: in Omiyage, use heavy bachi to get sensation of bachi delay