LATI Introduction

UPDATE as of January 2023:
This site is no longer being updated for new course announcements and news (and will be retired soon). For updates and news, please visit


The Los Angeles Taiko Institute (LATI) is a dedicated taiko (Japanese drumming) school in Torrance, CA offering 12-week courses, drop-in classes, multi-day intensives, and one-time workshops on a variety of taiko topics.

LATI is housed at Asano Taiko U.S., a full-service taiko maker offering exquisite Japanese drums and accessories, as well as on-site taiko repair and reskinning.

Los Angeles Taiko Institute / Asano Taiko U.S.:
20909 S. Western Ave.
Torrance, CA 90501

Omiyage Class Week 7 - Student Perspective

Omiyage class week 7 reviewed and tested our knowledge of the known parts. We began with reviewing different sections we had questions about or requested to review. Then Yuta tested our knowledge by saying different sections and having us play them immediately after. It was difficult but we were able to use the cheat sheet for help. However, after a few run throughs he took away the sheet and we had to go through them by memory, which was much more difficult.

Omiyage Class Week 5 & 6 - Student Perspective

The fifth week of Omiyage class began with a warmup of the basic strikes while utilizing movement through kata and the rubberband-like tension built between the player and bachi. Yuta was able to focus on everyone’s basic strike and help them concentrate on form, refining each person’s bachi, arm, and body movements. Next, Yuta taught the “River” section, or a part that is heavily reliant on timing, playing together, and utilizing movements to begin and end in specific timing to create a cascading effect.

~NEW~ Try Kris' Classes for FREE during Trial Week!

LATI invites anyone interested to come and try Kris’s new courses during Week 1 of instruction (Thursday, 2/6 to Wednesday, 2/12) for free!
We are excited to offer this great opportunity and share the experience of taiko with anyone interested!
Check out the New List of Courses available for a trial.

RSVP to reserve your spot by contacting us by phone or email. We look forward to playing taiko with you!

New courses include free practice time!

We understand... it's difficult to find time to practice. This is why I'm very pleased to announce that my new courses will include 15 minutes of practice time at the completion of each class, without increasing the cost of courses! The extra 15 minutes will allow individuals to review and practice the skills from that day's class at their own pace. The room is turned over to students with the teacher just outside, available for assistance. Armed with the effective practice techniques taught in class and this 15-minute session, students will make even greater strides!

Taiko Teachers Talk - Blaine O'Brien

You can't talk about teaching taiko without phrases like "Authentic", "Legitimate", and "Traditional" coming up. When students embark on a journey to learn, they want to feel like they're investing in something real. They want evidence that their teacher can produce results. Are you that teacher? Do you feel confident that you're teaching it the "right" way? Do you ever feel the weight of thousands of years of craftsmanship and taiko mastery staring over your shoulder as you run your weekly class?

What is Primer Week?

Primer Week is a series of free taiko lessons open to community to try taiko.
Lead by Kris Bergstrom (LATI Head Instructor), these lessons require no prior taiko or musical experience and are completely free! Try taiko on hand-crafted instruments from Japan, learning powerful taiko music from professional players.

Omiyage Class Week 2 and 3 - Student Perspective

Week 2 classes began with a recap of Omiyage Basic hits, where we focused on arm placement and expression. I’m beginning to learn that Omiyage is a balance between exemplifying both strength and grace at the same time. Yuta has made the analogy that some key moves should look like a stretching rubber band and it’s release. We also began learning a few of the main phrases, deconstructing the movements to fully understand where our body, weight, arms, hands, and core should be for each movement. The class ended with learning the basics of the shime/okedo parts of the main phrases.