nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- on board
-- name
-- food
-- musician
-- month
- no drums for warmup
leg warmup
- lunges for hip flexors
-- step, step, lunge
-- on lunge, one person says: name, favorite food, favorite musician, favorite month
- side kicks for hamstrings
-- find range
-- 10 warmup
-- 10 countdown, each person saying one count, any language
- slide claps for inner thighs
-- small circle, even number of participants
-- slide to one side and clap with that neighbor, then opposite
-- circle gets larger, add leg stab
- boxes for whole legs
stance (set drums)
- getting into stance: L (1), R (2), arms out (3, 4)
- concepts
-- feet positions at drum
-- distance from drum
-- weight distribution
-- upper body angle
- precise but not North Korea
- stance and play copycat
-- 4 counts prep
-- 4 counts call
-- 4 counts answer
-- 4 counts rest
- opposite leg forward
- feedback during play portion
- pick students to play call
arm warmup
- give break while explaining
-- last week: isolating the three parts
-- this week: combining them in the right amounts
- three pivots (Shoulder, Elbow, Wrist), no bachi
-- Ls RS
-- Ls RE
-- Ls RW
-- Le RS
-- Le RE
-- Le RW
-- Lw RS
-- Lw RE
-- Lw RW
medium strike (all E)
- E v W with bachi (right and wrong)
-- demo
--- upper arm position points to drum
--- bachi sliding in hand for E version
--- feedback
-- 4 hits wrist, 4 hits coming from E, relaxed W
-- both hands
-- RE vs LW and vice versa
- stabbing (E does work, bachi flops forward, no W)
16's Drill first four counts
-- feedback, questions
large strike ("SE", then "E")
- demo
-- pulling on rope
-- elbow comes down toward drum
-- lower arm and bachi is "streamer"
-- upper arm stops when elbow is pointed toward drum and E takes over
-- relaxed bachi falls near shoulder then flops forward (thumb position)
- practice: no bachi, dog-legs, close the finger you use
- Slow-mo / Gravity / Accelerated / Gravity strikes
Building Blocks of grip
- copycat
-- stretching
-- squeezes, offset squeezes
-- hand positions in space
-- bachi tosses, flips
-- finger grips
-- opposite finger switches
-- thumb position
finish up with follow-the-leader Oroshi
- KBHF housing
LMSM Drill, R leading
- 4 hits full strength R
- 4 hits med R
- 4 hits soft R
- 4 hits med R
- add in one L at a time until full
practice LMSM Drill, L leading