nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- on board
-- 1eau
-- "I like counting but only counting to four. Not 'to four' but 2, 4, 2, 4."
-- two patterns
-- structure with counts
leg warmup
- individual feedback
- by section, 3's and 4's
- whole thing, practice
- 9-min drill structure
-- play all together (2min)
-- practice on own (1min)
- try drill
-- emphasize thinking before you practice
-- optional additional challenges for next week: 1eau counting, 1-a counting, 1--- counting
Counting Drill - can we magically end together?
- 2e w/ "1eau" counting: 4x 4-counts
- 2e w/ "1-a-" counting: 4x 4-counts
- 2e w/ "1---" counting: 4x 4-counts
- 2e w/ "----" counting: 4x 4-counts
"R" pattern to "L" pattern transition
"L" pattern to "R" pattern transition
Dokokara Ka Drill
- R hand technique
- counting
- 3/4
- dogoda at beginning of phrase