nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- next steps discussion
-- keep Dokokara Ka drill and expand Odaiko
-- make 1eau and Counting drill more interactive to make sure those players that need it, are forced to actually get it
Dokokara Ka Drill
- review and emphasize counting during L-ka parts
- add "overlap" triplet line
Odaiko Fundamentals Drill
- based on individual needs: path of bachi, use of elbow
- Bachi Prep full drill for next time
-- in pairs, one person provides feedback with "bachi guidepost"
-- 4 R x4
-- 4 L x4
-- switch
- Elbow bend full drill for next time
-- set one odaiko to provide mirror feedback
-- show relation of bachi to ear when elbow is fully bent
-- rotate through odaiko: on deck -> R -> L
clean and close