nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Review PEAC strucure
Review: Slowplosion A/B
Practice sticking and rhythms slowly
Hedgetrimmer sequence
Break down all parts
Practice hit by hit at slow tempo
Increase to comfortable tempo
Practice transitions into Hedgetrimmer section
- Starting with Retreat
Play all the things!
Working backward from Hedgetrimmer sequence, play all of the Jack Bazaar music we know.
- Practice associating Named Phrases with rhythms by shouting them at the top of the phrase
In sequence:
- Maracas
- Murder 1 & 2
- Maracas
- Murder 3 & 4
- Slowplosion A & B
- Runaway
-- Gotta go
-- Tassajara
-- Dynamo
-- Taunt B
-- Retreat
- Hedgetrimmer
-- Uppercut
-- Tassajara
-- Gurgle
-- Taunt A
-- Retreat
- Cats and Dogs
10-min individual
Review of PEAC topics