nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- overview of ATUS/LATI
- introductions
- overview of course: start to learn taiko fundamentals, including reflection on how we learn
- oroshi
- copycat
Building Blocks of stance
- copycat
-- stretching
-- standing
-- feet positions at drum
-- distance from drum
-- weight distribution
-- upper body angle
- ask students to identify the building blocks
- explain the theory
- imagine you have sticks, stand in a way that lets you strike powerfully
- feedback
Building Blocks of strike
- copycat
-- vertical arm motions (from shoulder, elbow, wrist, elbow)
--- one arm, then other, then both, then both doing different (PRACTICE WALKTHROUGH)
-- stabbing (gu, back, gu, palm, switch)
--- stabbing different positions in space (up, down, out in front)
-- hitting drum using different pivot points (wrist, elbow, shoulder)
--- one arm, then other, then both, then both doing different
- ask students to identify the building blocks
- explain the theory
- imagine you have sticks, stand in a way that lets you strike powerfully
- feedback
Building Blocks of grip
- copycat
-- stretching
-- squeezes, offset squeezes
-- hand positions in space
-- bachi tosses, flips
-- finger grips
-- opposite finger switches (PRACTICE TEST)
-- thumb position
- ask students to identify the building blocks
- explain the theory
- imagine you have sticks, stand in a way that lets you strike powerfully
- feedback
-- learning taiko compared to learning to write
--- start with scribbling
--- holding the pen "properly"
--- then one letter at a time
--- combine into words and when a letter illegible not, we practice individual letters again
--- full sentences
-- good: break down the task into smaller parts
-- bad: few of us have great handwriting. why?
--- you didn't care, were impatient, were distracted, didn't like your teacher
--- I didn't practice "lines", and "swooshes", and the more fundamental skills ("building blocks") that make up letters
LMSM Drill, R leading
- 4 hits full strength R
- 4 hits med R
- 4 hits soft R
- 4 hits med R
- add in one L at a time until full
practice explanation
cleaning explanation