nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- on board: (on post-its)
-- "week 02 challenge pattern: dogo (su)go (su)go dogo"
-- "week 03 challenge pattern: doro tsuku don don"
-- "week 04 challenge pattern: don tsuku don tsuku"
-- "this week challenge pattern: sun daga dan (su)ga"
- drums in semi-circle
- personal updates
- aisatsu
- course status update
-- class 05
-- goals: stance and strike, oroshi, kuchishoga
- neck
- arms
- torso
- twists
- squares
copycat - stance and sticking focus!
- serial sticking quarters, eighths
copycat - kuchishoga
- voice-voice, then voice-drum
-- include new challenge pattern
-- four challenge patterns together for "master groove"
16's Drill structure with clapping
- bachi down, facing each other in pairs, offset, clapping 16's drill sets 0-4
ender: master groove x4, oroshi
clean and close
- "arigato gozaimashita"
oroshi copycat
- I lead
-- mime the mood, end with long, powerful ending, applause
- others lead