nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
Quick review of technique:
Roll exercise
- Focus on small hits, wrist technique, and grip
Elbows only
- Focus on medium hits and hitting through positions 3-5
- Quickly generate speed by throwing the bottom of the bachi at the center of the drum
Big strikes!
- Focus on large hits and augmenting relaxed strike technique with speed to increase sound quality
PEAC Week Review
- David stand in for Hiro; practice playing while facing away from the mirror (using eyes and peripheral vision to play together)
Practice kuchishoga "Say, Repeat, Play" led by David
Practice kuchishoga demo
- Isabel explains kuchishoga and as Robert demonstrates
16s Drill
- Practice shortened PEAC week arrangement (first four patterns -- added one more compared to last week!)
- Break down strategies for counting and holding our place in the drill
Discuss "Try Taiko" section
- Daryl introduces stance
- Rachel teaches grip
- Tanya practices leading Oroshi for the guests
Discuss structure noted in Week 12 Class Notes.
Practice talks and program
Review of sounds: Don Gon da ga tsu ku
Tracking the phrase and preparing on time
Format: Call, Response, Play
Continue to practice leading sections for PEAC Week Class