nagado bachi (usually larger diameter, harder "kashi" wood)
- personal updates
- coach feedback: a like and a wish
PEAC Week runthrough
- review structure
- KB as audience
-- note spots of uncertainty
--- eyes during oroshi (all): okay to turn head to look
--- kuchishoga (IM): no pause between phrases
--- additional kuchishoga challenge (IM): "su dagada su su ga" x3 plus "don gon dogodon"
--- med. hit (BB): demonstrations of "consistency", "timing", etc
example "Purpose of Counting" explanation
- "We count in music to allow us to make sudden changes, with everyone staying together. For example, we can trade rhythms and agree on 4 counts each, and each person knows exactly when to enter..."
practice specific sections with preference for least-confident and later sections
- individual practice
- drills or spot runs as necessary
- runthrough in larger context
- repeat as necessary